IGLO Assisted housing . Antwerp
Architect De Vylder Vinck Taillieu . photos: © Filip Dujardin . + RIBA Journal
In 2005, the team TECHNUM HDSPV architecten TOM THYS architecten de vylder vinck taillieu won the competition for the masterplan Linkeroever Antwerp. The buildings, 64 appartments and services centre, for the ZORGBEDRIJF IGLO (Inter Generational Linkeroever) in Antwerp’s historic centre are already delivered.
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Architect De Vylder Vinck Taillieu . photos: © Filip Dujardin . + RIBA Journal
In 2005, the team TECHNUM HDSPV architecten TOM THYS architecten de vylder vinck taillieu won the competition for the masterplan Linkeroever Antwerp. The buildings, 64 appartments and services centre, for the ZORGBEDRIJF IGLO (Inter Generational Linkeroever) in Antwerp’s historic centre are already delivered.
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